The summer of 2020 will definitely go down as one of the strangest, but more memorable summers during my lifetime. As businesses and life are slowly opening back up after the pandemic shut most of society down, with people sheltered at and working from home, signs of life are popping up all around.
I have heard many friends, family and co-workers say let’s make the most of this summer. Even though there is not as much to do socially – no ethnic festivals, Summerfest, and State Fair, no Brewers games (hopefully soon), and almost all July 4th celebrations have been cancelled – the term “staycation” is once again popping up. This is often used to describe staying at home and enjoying your family and your house, socializing indoors or outside in the backyard.
I can tell you in the early stages of summer, that is exactly what I have been doing. I am with my family more now than ever, which is a good thing, right? I am also outside doing yard work or just relaxing. I am noticing things more, things I had taken for granted. My wife Dawn and I have amused ourselves watching birds in our birdbath. It has always been there, but rarely have I taken the time to notice and enjoy it.
I am also looking at my house more – windows, entry door, and the siding all installed by Callen, and taking note of little things I need to do. This includes touch up painting and some yard work to enhance the home’s curb appeal. Most of us take pride as we pull into our driveway and see the beautiful renovations that really make a house pop!
If there are updates that need to be made, do what I’ve done and call Callen. The team at Callen will help you once again experience the pride of home ownership. Take pleasure in your home, both inside and out. Believe me, it is much more satisfying when a home is in good repair, with nice products making it shine.
Enjoy the summer of 2020 with a staycation, spending more time at home, appreciating moments with your family and all your home has to offer.
Paul Kronforst