Well, here we are, approaching the closing of another year. It is a time to reflect, but also look ahead to 2022.
Many of you may know that in addition to hosting the “Remodeling Show” and other programs on News-Talk 1130 WISN, I am the executive producer of a talk radio station. So I am immersed in news, politics, and the issues of the day. In my 31 years in that role, I cannot recall a time like this. In addition to COVID-19, we hear daily about the supply chain delays, inflation, and other political news that many of you have heard enough about.
The most important thing is that there’s also lots of good and positive news as well. The spirit of Christmas is here and the opportunities in this country are endless. Many people are starting new careers and we have the largest economy in the world.
What does this have to do with remodeling you ask? Quite a bit. You know I am fond of saying your home is your castle. Now is the time to reflect on your home and see what you want to do to improve its look and functionality. Will you continue to work out of your house? Maybe your New Year resolution is to finally remodel the kitchen or bathroom, or replace the old drafty windows that have been driving you crazy for years. Whatever you decide works best for you and your family, now is the perfect time to move forward on renovating your home.
Take a moment to ponder, but also look forward to 2022. When your thoughts turn to your home, be sure to call Callen. Talk to one of the company’s interior or exterior remodeling specialists to determine ways in which to improve your home. Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Years!
Paul Kronforst, News-Talk 1130 WISN