5 Tips to Preserve a New Bathroom Feel

February 15, 2016
November 13, 2024

You spent a great deal of time preparing for a new bathroom, collecting photos of design ideas, discussing plans with design professionals, and then observing the renovation occur.The project is now finished, and you are able to fully experience your bathroom. To keep your bathroom looking as good as the day the project was finished, Callen offers five tips to preserve the look and feel of your new bathroom. 1. Remain clutter free by using storage space.The remodeled bathroom likely has a vanity cabinet or recessed medicine cabinet with ample storage. Be sure to properly use the storage space to keep countertops and the floor clear, which will make the space easier to clean.2. Daily maintenance of the new space.Taking a few minutes each day to tidy the space is the most efficient way to keep the bathroom looking new. Removing moisture, hair, soap scum, and dirt daily will ensure the space does not look dingy, plus it will protect the new fixtures and materials.One example is the glass shower enclosure. There is soap residue after each shower that if allowed to build up becomes tough to clean. It also leaves water spots, which can etch the glass causing irreversible damage. Use a squeegee or microfiber cloth to wipe down the shower after each use to prolong the life of your glass shower.Daily cleaning also helps the sink and faucets. Be sure to rinse away soap residue and wipe the sink and faucets with a microfiber cloth.3. Establish a periodic cleaning routine.The following are tips to be completed occasionally to keep the new bathroom glistening:

  • Scrub shower heads with an all-purpose cleaner, or depending on the finish, use a softer cloth. Every-other month clean the shower head by securing a plastic bag filled with undiluted white vinegar over the showerhead. Leave it in place overnight, and the next day scrub the shower head and run hot water through it.
  • Spray the glass shower enclosure with a cleaner and wipe it down using a microfiber cloth. For built up dirt, you could occasionally wipe the glass with a dryer sheet.
  • For a tub, tile walls, and floor, run hot water with the bathroom door closed before cleaning. Steam and heat help to loosen dirt and make cleaning easier. You can use a standard or disinfectant cleaner unless otherwise instructed.

4. Consider natural alternatives to cleaning the space.Everyday household products like vinegar and baking soda can be very effective in keeping your new bathroom clean.Here are a few examples:

  • Let vinegar sit in metal tracks around a shower door to loosen dirt and then wipe clean.
  • Use baking soda to clean grout lines.
  • Use fans and natural light to remove moisture.

5. Some products or finishes may require special care.Your bathroom design expert should instruct you if there are any special cleaning requirements for your products. Most products used in a bathroom are designed to wear well and withstand moisture and dirt. Be informed before finalizing product selections if your chosen faucets, countertop, or floor need a special care routine.If considering a bathroom remodeling project, contemplate picking an easier to maintain design. A frameless shower, for example, is simpler to clean than one with a metal frame or tracks. An open shower design is another option, one that gives your bathroom a spa feel, is accessible, and straightforward to maintain.Callen Can Get You UnderwayCallen's bathroom Sales Design Consultant have plenty of bathroom concepts to get the ball rolling on your ideal design. Call Callen, the leading remodeling company in Brookfield, for inspiration on how to get started with bathroom and kitchen remodeling in Milwaukee.

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